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15 Minute Workout / 21 Day Transformation 

I Am Rhondamarie  Ps.138:8
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I Am...Who God Says That I AM

When you know who you are in Christ...



I Am Who God Said That I Am,


The Head and Not The Tail, I Walk In The Favor of God 

No WEAPON formed against Me SHALL Prosper.

I'm Seated in Heavenly Places In Christ  

I Am Loved by God...



God has a Plan for My Life .

My Life is Purpose Driven

There are No Wasted  Motions.

God's Calling is Moving Me!!!

2018 YES!!!

The Apostle Paul said, but my God shall supply all of Your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


Welcome to I Am Whom God Says That I AM,

 21 Day Transformation with Dr. Rhonda Marie.




This Program was birth into the earth realm 5 years ago when a young lady called my cell phone and said, I need help, and the Holy Spirit gave me direction and I asked if she was ready for change and she said YES, and with   I am whom God says that I  AM, the change that she desired manifested, To God be the Glory.!!! From that 1 call God has allowed me to work with women near and far to bring a change into their lives.


I am whom God says that I am deals with who God says that you are for 21 days. God said in his word, nothing can separate you from the love of God. Romans 8:38,39. God has a plan and a purpose for each and every one of us. Jeremiah 29:11. Allow the word of God to work.


For more information email me @


 I thank God for the opportunity to serve. 



I Am Dr. Rhonda Marie

Ps. 138:8

"Steve Harvey Rags to Riches Testimony | You Have Not Because You Ask Not ask and it shall be given"
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